Analysis 5
13, 2016
Analysis 5
Throughout my analysis of The Walking Dead, I have found
that many of the pop culture theories relate well. With its popular apocalyptic
formula, the hero theory fits very well. There are several standout heroes, but
the shows main hero from the beginning, Rick Grimes, has fit the hero theory to
a T. He began as a police officer and now leads the survivalist group. His
kryptonite is his son, Carl. He fights to protect and do what he feels is best
for his son, and group. He is the one you want to survive to see tomorrow.
Another popular theory that I think fits is the American dream theory. The
entire group of survivors are starting with nothing. They are trying to survive
and rebuild society with what they know, what they have, and what they find.
They are literally building from the ground up. However, the theory that I
think fits The Walking Dead the best is the theory of cult of celebrity. I can
honestly not ever remember a television show with such a large cult following.
Movies yes, but television no. The fans that this show has are like none other.
They are die hard watchers who take each week and episode very seriously. They
have formed a connection with each of the characters, and are at a loss when
one dies. They keep social media abuzz with theories and speculations. They
idolize the actors that portray the characters, and treat the characters as if
they were real. The amount of merchandise for this show surpasses much of the
most popular movie merchandise. To the fans, this is no television show. This
is an adventure and they are riding until the end.
What I found most interesting in my analysis is that of
the formula. I never really thought of a formula behind television shows, or
movies for that matter prior to this class. I knew some shows were easy to
figure out. The bad boy and the good girl usually end up together. I just never
put a formula to the Walking Dead before. Now that I have, I am interested to
see how it plays out. I am wondering if it stays true to the formula, will it
be the original hero that survives. Or will we have a new hero take his place
to bring us to the new beginning of society. One piece of hearsay that I am
interested to see play out, what if this is all a dream. Will our hero, Rick,
awake from his coma to find this was all a medical induced dream? That would be
the ultimate formula switch!
Now that this class is coming to a close, I have to admit
this…I am not a Walking Dead fan. I don’t even watch the show. What I know of
it I have learned from my family that watches and my social media friends who
constantly post about it. I am intrigued by it, but can’t get passed the gore
to watch an episode. The fan base is what drew me to it. I am just amazed at
the amount of people who are enthralled by it. But because of my analysis
throughout this class, I may attempt to tune in tomorrow for the mid-season
premiere. I want to witness first-hand how the formula plays out, and see if I
find Rick and Daryl to be the heroes everyone makes them out to be. All I can
do is see if it lives up to the hype first hand!
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