Sunday, January 31, 2016

Written Analysis 3

Written Analysis III
            The Walking Dead is an extremely popular television show about life after the zombie apocalypse. It is currently on a hiatus, in the middle of its’ sixth season. With that being said, over the past 6 seasons there have been several stand out heroes on the show, and a huge cult of celebrity following for the actors and the characters they portray.
One of the biggest stand out heroes is the leader of the survivors, Rick Grimes. Being a hero is nothing new to Rick. Prior to the apocalypse, he was a police officer. He was used to the role of protecting and serving people. It would seem that he would be a natural for a leader after the apocalypse. His character has evolved over the seasons from the beginning where he was still in traditional police officer mode, that of protecting and serving everyone he came across, to now where he protects only his immediate group. Then there is Daryl Dixon. He is a hero in a different light. He is the survival groups’ bad boy. He is a hero not only because he is tough, but because he does what he feels is best for the group. "He may often appear as the lone-wolf of the series, but he’s incredibly selfless and would risk his life for most of his companions” (Hunt, pg.13).  Another breakaway hero is Morgan. He is a different kind of hero in the fact that he started off in a bad frame of mind after losing his wife and son, but now has been transformed to believe all life is precious and will not kill even the worst human being. As the show evolves each character evolves with it. That is probably one of the reasons it has such a large following. Fans are invested in each character and cannot wait to see how they pull through each week.
The cult of celebrity following that the Walking Dead has is something that I cannot remember ever seeing before. The way the show is written keeps fans wanting more. The way characters evolve, fight, and ultimately die keeps fans on the edge of their seats. There are websites, merchandise, and blogs surrounding the potential deaths of the popular characters, including Daryl. If Daryl dies we riot is a slogan most Walking Dead fans have uttered. And who can forget about the infamous death scene for Glenn. Glenn is more of a secondary character. He is the one character that in all 6 seasons has never killed another human being. He is the nice, good guy. His death was one of the most talked about scenes in recent television history. And it wasn’t even his actual death! Instead the writers’ made it appear as if he died when instead he took cover under a dumpster. The amount of Facebook posts, memes, and blogs that took over the internet in the days after the death scene were unreal. Even if you didn’t watch the show, you knew about Glenn and hoped he has escaped even if the odds seemed stacked against him. And this isn’t the only time. Pretty much the end of every season leaves something for the fans to keep talking about and to count down until the next season starts.
When you combine the heroes that this show has created and the cult of celebrity following it has, you will then begin to realize that it has the keys to what people want to be a part of and experience. People want the underdogs to pull through. They want good to overcome bad. They want the people that they identify with, the police men, the loners, and the good guys to pull through and come out of the battle victorious.   It becomes personal, and gives them an escape from reality. Even if it is only for once a week, an hour at a time. It keeps them coming back for more. Every week, every season.

Hunt, J. (n.d.) The walking dead: 12 best cult heroes. Retrieved January 31,2016. From       

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Written Analysis 2- Rituals and Stereotypes

Written Analysis II
            The Walking Dead television show has become a ritual all in its self. During the viewing season, Walking Dead fans around the country know to tune into AMC Sundays nights at 9pm eastern standard time to get the latest information on all of their favorite characters. The lives of these apocalyptic survivors have become fan favorites and are millions of peoples must see TV! There have even become viewing party rituals where friends get together and dress as their favorite characters or as walkers. These rituals show how much the community of fans love the show and this in turn shows a form of social bonding. There is even a show on afterwards called the Talking dead where fans call in to discuss the episode that has just aired and can also send in pictures of their viewing parties to win prizes.            Not only is there the ritual of watching the show itself, but there has become rituals for people who are not able to watch the original airing of the show! All over Facebook and other social media sites you will see posts requesting no “spoilers”. People asking friends and family to not post anything about the show that has just aired until they are able to watch it themselves.  To the fans, this is serious business. Don’t spoil the show for them. Once they have viewed it themselves then it can be discussed.           These varying rituals show how television can become part of peoples’ lives. The insights you gain are the need for the escape from everyday life, to get caught up in an imaginary world, to just take an hour away and get lost can mean the world to some. It gives this community of fans something to look forward to and to talk about. It bonds them together and gives them common ground. These rituals describe how important the show is to the fan base. It also shows how important the characters are. Their lives and what goes on in them during that hour matter to people. It also shows what talent the writers, directors, and producers have. To have created a show with such an amazing fan base speaks volumes about the quality of the show itself.  The Walking Dead really is a pop culture phenomenon. 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Written Analysis

Written Analysis
            The walking dead is a current running television show that is based off a popular comic series. This show has a remarkable cult like following and is currently in its sixth season. The story behind the shows is life after a zombie apocalypse.  “A survivalist story at its core, the series explores how the living are changed by the overwhelming realization that those who survive can be far more dangerous than the mindless walkers roaming the earth.” ( There are numerous myths and icons that swirl about within the series from the American success story of the lead character Rick Grimes, to the iconic hero Daryl Dixon.
            The storyline starts with lead character Rick Grimes awaking from a coma weeks after the beginning of the zombie apocalypse. He finds himself in an unfamiliar world with nothing but his survivalist wits. This is the beginning of the American Success story theory. He and his new survivalist friends not only have to battle the zombies, now known as walkers, but they have to fight to keep the human race alive and flourishing. They are starting with nothing and rebuilding society literally from the ground up. Each week of the series brings new challenges and hardships, and plenty of walker battles.
            One of the survivalist friends Rick encounters is the zombie slaying hero, Daryl Dixon. Daryl is an icon all in himself. He is the untamed bad boy that cannot be messed with. He doesn’t want to be connected and tied down to the group. He wants to do his own thing and prove he can survive by his own wits, his own way. He is the epitome of what most people want to be, wild and carefree. His character has become one of the most stand out and beloved characters in a television show, ever. His fan base has catch phrases like “if Daryl dies we riot!”(Wigler, pg1). The love for this character has even brought about a spin off show for the actor who portrays him, on the same channel that airs the walking dead. They say this show is set to air to appease fans who may potentially be upset if and when the original character is killed off of the walking dead.
            The popularity of the walking dead seems to grow with each passing season. The storylines become more engaging, the characters more endearing, and the violence more graphic. The American success story continues to grow with each episode as the characters grow and rebuild. The icons evolve and become more in number. From the love of Daryl to the struggle Rick and the rest go through, more and more viewers turn in to witness the slaughter and successes. To me, this is a show that will be talked about for years to come, a pop culture icon on all on its own if nothing more for than what it stands for.


 The story. (2016). Retrieved from
           Wigler, J. (2015). Could the walking dead survive without Daryl Dixon.     

            Retrieved from

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

                                                                 Icon Analysis

     To me, an Icon is something or someone that stands the test of time, that stands out and shines brighter than all of the other similar people, places, or things. Icons are what people remember, talk about, and strive for or to be.

      The first icon that I chose for analysis is Cinderella's Castle in Disney World. Since it's inception in 1971, the castle has welcomed millions of people of all nationalities, races, and ages. It is the most photographed building in all of Disney, and is the one thing that signifies Disney Magic ( It is appropriately the entrance into Fantasyland, a place where your dreams can come true.  Whether guests are riding the Ferry from the ticket and transportation center, the monorail from a resort, or being bused in on the magical express, seeing the castle in the distance is breathtaking and truly memorable. It is something that children dream of seeing, and parents strive to for them to experience.The first time I saw this castle I was in awe. To me, it signified that we had made our families dreams come true. It provided us the magic to act like kids, even as adults. Standing in front of it, you realize how important family time is and that even in photographs there are memories that will never be forgotten. It signifies that no matter how busy our everyday lives can be, there is always room for some magic. 

     My second icon is someone whom I have admired and followed for as long as I can remember, Mother Theresa. Mother Theresa was a Roman Catholic nun who was known for her charitable missions work. She spent much of her life helping and serving people who had nothing and were considered undesirables in societies eyes. She gave herself completely to people who could never repay her kindnesses and even if they could have, she never would have allowed them to. She was the epitome of selflessness. She was wise beyond most people perceptions, and was awarded numerous awards for her work including the Nobel Peace Prize. She was named over 18 times as one of the most admired women in the world ( Even in her death, she remains famous. The Pope himself has credited her with 2 miracles and she is in the process for Sainthood within the Catholic church. Just take a minute and google her name, you will find some of the most beautiful quotes she ever spoke. Her words are some of the most famous, most quoted words ever spoke. To me she is an icon for what she stood for. No matter the situation, we are all people and have value. She was someone who deserves honor and respect. She never let her accolades make her into something she couldn't live with. She was truly humble and always kept her humility. To me, her life was something to honor and respect. No matter how great we may become, it means nothing if we don't help those around us. 


     My 3rd icon is Harry Potter. Yes, I am a Potterhead. I do not care that he is a fictional character. I do not care that someone wrote his story. He and his stories are iconic in my eyes. Always. His story has touched so many people, generations. His life was magic. Truly magic. He started as child who was forced to live with family who could care less about him. One day he finds out he is actually magic royalty and begins a life that is beyond belief. We see his journey through school, friendship and betrayal. We see his battles both internally, and with his nemesis the Dark Lord. We grow with him. I personally fell in love with him years ago when the books first came out. I used to read them to my son before bed. Every night we read a chapter. The magic became real. We would talk about how we pictured Harry and Hogwarts. We talked about what he was going through, and we anticipated a new chapter every night. By book 4 my son was reading them to himself and I would have to sneak them during the day to find out what was going on. When the movies came out, we went to every one. Harry became part of our family. He was like that awesome cousin that you couldn't wait to catch up with. Even now at 23, my son still remembers every detail. We have hardback copies of every book, and a dvd of every movie. We have Harry Potter coloring books, bath robes, and even wands. My 13 year old has grown up reading the books and watching the movies as well. There is no doubt my granddaughter will have Potter love as well. When I say we are Potterheads, I really mean it. And honestly, is there anything more iconic than a following like this?!?

                            Harry Potter 7 pII wallpaper by alienforce1004

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Friday, January 8, 2016

Pop Culture

My simple definition of pop culture is that it is anything people are talking about today. Pop culture can be a must have item people are eagerly buying 
                                          Image result for hoverboard

or a person that people want to emulate 
                                          Image result for kardashian sisters

It can be phrases that are being used
                                          Image result for yolo

or clothes that are being worn 
                                   Image result for vs pink 

It is simply what is "hot" right now in our society. It can be something that has been tried and true over years 
                                         Image result for the beatles abbey road

 or something new to the market
                                             Image result for justin bieber

There is no time frame or limit as long as there is popularity behind it and people are into it. 

Pop culture is important to me as it gives me a sense of connection and belonging with other people. Whether I am identifying with those who must have or those that want nothing to do with, there is a connection. Not only is it giving me connections to people I may or may not know, by staying abreast of trends keeps me connected to my teenage daughter. It gives us common ground and keeps communication open. 

Communication and connections are reasons that I foresee pop culture playing a role in my future career. Trends give people something to talk about, to break the ice, and to keep doors open. Whether it is finding a coworker that watches the same TV show or a customer who comments on your style, it is creating a connection for future conversations. It shows clients you are familiar with the current time and know what is going on in the world. It tells them you understand what people are looking for and can help them capture their piece of the market! 

                                  Image result for fitbit
An artifact of current pop culture is the FitBit. And I am no stranger to this trend, I happen to be quite addicted to mine! These little bracelets of awesomeness keep track of how many steps you take throughout a day, how you sleep at night, how many flights of stairs you climb, how many calories you burn, and the list just continues. The convenience of this gadgets gives us something we want more than anything, instant gratification. At the touch of a finger we can see our stats, know exactly how our workout is going to pay off, or how many more steps we need to take to feel better about ourselves. I am a slave to mine. I check it continuously throughout the day. Not only do I check my stats, but I compare myself to my fitbit friends as well...Is Laura walking more than me, is Sharon catching up! AH! And not only are fitbits able to keep track of your exercise and health facts, they are now able to track your location as you run, receive texts without having to take your phone out, and stream music. The convenience factor alone keeps these popular, but the adding of features society demands makes them even better. And heads up, a new one is due out in March. 


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