Sunday, January 24, 2016

Written Analysis 2- Rituals and Stereotypes

Written Analysis II
            The Walking Dead television show has become a ritual all in its self. During the viewing season, Walking Dead fans around the country know to tune into AMC Sundays nights at 9pm eastern standard time to get the latest information on all of their favorite characters. The lives of these apocalyptic survivors have become fan favorites and are millions of peoples must see TV! There have even become viewing party rituals where friends get together and dress as their favorite characters or as walkers. These rituals show how much the community of fans love the show and this in turn shows a form of social bonding. There is even a show on afterwards called the Talking dead where fans call in to discuss the episode that has just aired and can also send in pictures of their viewing parties to win prizes.            Not only is there the ritual of watching the show itself, but there has become rituals for people who are not able to watch the original airing of the show! All over Facebook and other social media sites you will see posts requesting no “spoilers”. People asking friends and family to not post anything about the show that has just aired until they are able to watch it themselves.  To the fans, this is serious business. Don’t spoil the show for them. Once they have viewed it themselves then it can be discussed.           These varying rituals show how television can become part of peoples’ lives. The insights you gain are the need for the escape from everyday life, to get caught up in an imaginary world, to just take an hour away and get lost can mean the world to some. It gives this community of fans something to look forward to and to talk about. It bonds them together and gives them common ground. These rituals describe how important the show is to the fan base. It also shows how important the characters are. Their lives and what goes on in them during that hour matter to people. It also shows what talent the writers, directors, and producers have. To have created a show with such an amazing fan base speaks volumes about the quality of the show itself.  The Walking Dead really is a pop culture phenomenon. 

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