Friday, January 8, 2016

Pop Culture

My simple definition of pop culture is that it is anything people are talking about today. Pop culture can be a must have item people are eagerly buying 
                                          Image result for hoverboard

or a person that people want to emulate 
                                          Image result for kardashian sisters

It can be phrases that are being used
                                          Image result for yolo

or clothes that are being worn 
                                   Image result for vs pink 

It is simply what is "hot" right now in our society. It can be something that has been tried and true over years 
                                         Image result for the beatles abbey road

 or something new to the market
                                             Image result for justin bieber

There is no time frame or limit as long as there is popularity behind it and people are into it. 

Pop culture is important to me as it gives me a sense of connection and belonging with other people. Whether I am identifying with those who must have or those that want nothing to do with, there is a connection. Not only is it giving me connections to people I may or may not know, by staying abreast of trends keeps me connected to my teenage daughter. It gives us common ground and keeps communication open. 

Communication and connections are reasons that I foresee pop culture playing a role in my future career. Trends give people something to talk about, to break the ice, and to keep doors open. Whether it is finding a coworker that watches the same TV show or a customer who comments on your style, it is creating a connection for future conversations. It shows clients you are familiar with the current time and know what is going on in the world. It tells them you understand what people are looking for and can help them capture their piece of the market! 

                                  Image result for fitbit
An artifact of current pop culture is the FitBit. And I am no stranger to this trend, I happen to be quite addicted to mine! These little bracelets of awesomeness keep track of how many steps you take throughout a day, how you sleep at night, how many flights of stairs you climb, how many calories you burn, and the list just continues. The convenience of this gadgets gives us something we want more than anything, instant gratification. At the touch of a finger we can see our stats, know exactly how our workout is going to pay off, or how many more steps we need to take to feel better about ourselves. I am a slave to mine. I check it continuously throughout the day. Not only do I check my stats, but I compare myself to my fitbit friends as well...Is Laura walking more than me, is Sharon catching up! AH! And not only are fitbits able to keep track of your exercise and health facts, they are now able to track your location as you run, receive texts without having to take your phone out, and stream music. The convenience factor alone keeps these popular, but the adding of features society demands makes them even better. And heads up, a new one is due out in March. 


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  1. Hello Elana,

    Wow, your blog is BEAUTIFUL! I really liked how you were able to breakdown the meaning of pop culture in a very simple and easy to understand way. You used images of item that I had not even though of like the Hoverboard and fitness trackers.

    I also really liked how you pointed out how you use pop culture to give yourself a sense of “belonging.” You also made a great point about being able to keep connected with your daughter by staying up to date with current pop culture trends. I did not think of answering that question from that point of view, I only thought of answering from a business and marketing perspective. I really liked how you were able to tie in client interaction into your answer too. You brought about some very relevant points that were not even on my radar.

    Your artifact is awesome too. I think especially this time of year (New Years resolution time), when people are more likely to be fitness conscious, this artifact hits right on time. I am actually currently in the market for a new tracker, mine is on its last leg, lol. Thanks for the heads up, I may just hold out until March to see what new features the newest tracker comes with. Thanks for a great read!

    1. Mina,
      Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog! I appreciate your comments, I was so worried as this was my first time ever doing anything like this :) And yes, the new fitbit is called Blaze and looks super awesome. To me it looks very similar to an applewatch, only with a little smaller pricetag! I am pretty sure it will be on my must buy list haha!

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