Wednesday, January 13, 2016

                                                                 Icon Analysis

     To me, an Icon is something or someone that stands the test of time, that stands out and shines brighter than all of the other similar people, places, or things. Icons are what people remember, talk about, and strive for or to be.

      The first icon that I chose for analysis is Cinderella's Castle in Disney World. Since it's inception in 1971, the castle has welcomed millions of people of all nationalities, races, and ages. It is the most photographed building in all of Disney, and is the one thing that signifies Disney Magic ( It is appropriately the entrance into Fantasyland, a place where your dreams can come true.  Whether guests are riding the Ferry from the ticket and transportation center, the monorail from a resort, or being bused in on the magical express, seeing the castle in the distance is breathtaking and truly memorable. It is something that children dream of seeing, and parents strive to for them to experience.The first time I saw this castle I was in awe. To me, it signified that we had made our families dreams come true. It provided us the magic to act like kids, even as adults. Standing in front of it, you realize how important family time is and that even in photographs there are memories that will never be forgotten. It signifies that no matter how busy our everyday lives can be, there is always room for some magic. 

     My second icon is someone whom I have admired and followed for as long as I can remember, Mother Theresa. Mother Theresa was a Roman Catholic nun who was known for her charitable missions work. She spent much of her life helping and serving people who had nothing and were considered undesirables in societies eyes. She gave herself completely to people who could never repay her kindnesses and even if they could have, she never would have allowed them to. She was the epitome of selflessness. She was wise beyond most people perceptions, and was awarded numerous awards for her work including the Nobel Peace Prize. She was named over 18 times as one of the most admired women in the world ( Even in her death, she remains famous. The Pope himself has credited her with 2 miracles and she is in the process for Sainthood within the Catholic church. Just take a minute and google her name, you will find some of the most beautiful quotes she ever spoke. Her words are some of the most famous, most quoted words ever spoke. To me she is an icon for what she stood for. No matter the situation, we are all people and have value. She was someone who deserves honor and respect. She never let her accolades make her into something she couldn't live with. She was truly humble and always kept her humility. To me, her life was something to honor and respect. No matter how great we may become, it means nothing if we don't help those around us. 


     My 3rd icon is Harry Potter. Yes, I am a Potterhead. I do not care that he is a fictional character. I do not care that someone wrote his story. He and his stories are iconic in my eyes. Always. His story has touched so many people, generations. His life was magic. Truly magic. He started as child who was forced to live with family who could care less about him. One day he finds out he is actually magic royalty and begins a life that is beyond belief. We see his journey through school, friendship and betrayal. We see his battles both internally, and with his nemesis the Dark Lord. We grow with him. I personally fell in love with him years ago when the books first came out. I used to read them to my son before bed. Every night we read a chapter. The magic became real. We would talk about how we pictured Harry and Hogwarts. We talked about what he was going through, and we anticipated a new chapter every night. By book 4 my son was reading them to himself and I would have to sneak them during the day to find out what was going on. When the movies came out, we went to every one. Harry became part of our family. He was like that awesome cousin that you couldn't wait to catch up with. Even now at 23, my son still remembers every detail. We have hardback copies of every book, and a dvd of every movie. We have Harry Potter coloring books, bath robes, and even wands. My 13 year old has grown up reading the books and watching the movies as well. There is no doubt my granddaughter will have Potter love as well. When I say we are Potterheads, I really mean it. And honestly, is there anything more iconic than a following like this?!?

                            Harry Potter 7 pII wallpaper by alienforce1004

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  1. I love the fact that you thought of using the Cinderella's Castle in Disney World. I have been there once and I still remember what it was like to see this Castle for the first time. There of course is so many fun things to see and do that Disney World but seeing this Castle is one of the most memorable. I don't know if it is because Cinderella was always my favorite movie or if it was more than that. If it was the majestic look of the Castle that just made me believe that dreams came true and happily ever after existed, either way, it was unforgettable. Thank you for sharing, I really enjoyed reading all of your views on the Cinderella's Castle, Mother Theresa, and Harry Potter.

  2. I enjoyed reading your blog. Using the icons of Cinderella, Harry Potter and Mother Teresa were great icons that have and will stand the test of time. I have enjoyed them all through the years. Cinderella with my daughters and now my grandchildren. Harry Potter with my daughters and I have always enjoyed Mother Teresa story and what the lady has stood for in the eyes of many. Great Blog.
